Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Big News!

Big news people! We just received a $10,000 donation!!! This couple wishes to remain anonymous but we are so very thankful to them for sacrificing so much to help us and fund, what we believe is, God's work. Their selfless giving is humbling and beautiful. Praise God who has done a great work through them!

Verses to Ponder

These are some verses I've been thinking on lately and I can't help thinking of them in relation to our adoption... Thought I'd share:

“...'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’" Matthew 25:40

    "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Proverbs 4:23

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2

"He must become greater, I must become less." John 3:30

"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' So we can confidently say, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?'" Hebrews 13:5-6

 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

    "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will." Ephesians 1:4-5

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Financial Step of Faith

When we first discussed adoption we knew immediately that the finances would be more than we could afford.  As we looked through the series of fees, the cost kept stacking up.  We finally arrived at an estimated total cost of $35,000.  It was a number that was far beyond our means.  Making frugal choices and denying ourselves luxuries wouldn’t be enough to fulfill the requirements in the time alotted.  So now what?  Does that mean God has closed the door on us taking in an orphaned child as our own?  Does that mean we shouldn’t try to give a precious little one a chance at having two parents that unconditionally love him/her?  The answer seems clear to us... “NO.”  There are various grants and financial aid that we can apply for, and the government has extended the Adoption Tax Credit as well.  We will continue to give to the local church, as well as other ministries that we have committed to support.  From there, we will give to this adoption.  We will not be adding to our retirement fund during this time, instead, directing those funds towards the adoption.  One thing we do consider a responsibility, however, is to maintain an “emergency fund.”  

James 1:27 is often quoted in these scenarios, and it is good and right to bring to mind the command of “looking after orphans (and widows) in their distress.”  However, the last part of that verse if too readily dropped from the reference--“and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”  Truly, this is our desire.  As Christians, we are directed according to God’s Word with how to live our lives for God’s glory.  As we live for His glory, our delight in Him grows.  It is good to enjoy what God has given us to enjoy, but it is destructive to oneself to seek any of these things above the glory of God.  Furthermore, it is destructive to others to lead them into anything short of God’s desires for our delight.  Please, do not hear our words of sacrifice as boasting.  God has plans for each of us in revealing His glory to the world.  At this time, this is where we are convinced He is leading us.  Maybe God is leading you to partner with us financially.  If so, we want you to know that we will readily receive your gift with gladness.  It is our conviction that when God leads people to do something, it is good for those that are walking with them to know how deep the roots of the conviction run.  And for those of you who are led to give, we want you to know that we are not asking for the funds to come from others, but we do not want to inhibit the blessing of giving from those who desire to give (Acts 20:35).  Yet, the deepest desire we have for you, for ourselves, and for our children, is to seek first the Kingdom of God.  God will provide for all our needs, and in this, the adoption, He will provide.  

For you, the reader, remember that in all things and at all times, God’s plans are good.  Difficulties are real, and hardships will come, but in all these things, He is sufficient (2 Cor 12:9).  And the pleasures of this world are not all wrong in themselves, but not one of them will satisfy, all will leave us with a desire for something more.  In Christ, we are at rest, and in Christ alone do we find our hope (Psalm 62:1; 1 Pet 1:3).  And it is Christ’s blood that we have been purchased for adoption as sons and daughters of God, co-heirs with Christ, if only we have faith to believe in these promises for us (Ephesians 1).   

Thank-you all for taking the time to read this, and for coming alongside us as we follow where Christ is leading.  We love you all!

Contact from South Korea Progrm

We got an email from Holt's South Korea program yesterday. They gave us information to get connected to other families (with Holt) that are currently adopting from South Korea.  They also will be keeping us updated on the list of Children that are currently waiting to be matched with a family internationally along with children who are currently going home with their "forever families".

Children in Korea are typically relinquished for adoption shortly after birth.  To give children the opportunity to grow up in their birth country, they first become available for adoption exclusively by families in Korea.  After approximately 6 months, they are released for international adoption.  Most children placed internationally are 6-12 months at time of match, and 18-30 months at time of placement.

In Korea, families often prefer to adopt girls. As a result, more boys are released for international adoption than girls.

The child we get matched with will more than likely have one or several of the following conditions:

·         Prematurity
·         Low birth weight
·         Hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice)
·         Birth mother history (use of alcohol, smoking, or use of over-the-counter medicines)
·         Initial abnormal neurosonogram followed by a subsequent normal neurosonogram
·          Minor heart murmur

Seeing the precious little faces and reading the profiles of the children waiting to be matched definitely makes this adoption process feel even more real.  You just want to pick them up and squeeze them.  They're so sweet. Can't wait to get matched!  

Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Getting Down to Business

We recieved our snail-mail packet and our PDFs are printed off. "Phase 2" of the adoption process is in full swing! I organized the documents today and gave them a quick once over... and... there's a lot there. Answering some of these questions will require some serious digging! All worth it but intimidating none the less. I scheduled our medical exams and fingerprinting and wrote out our "to do" list. We've also begun brainstorming fundraising ideas. Please pray that we keep focused and efficient. I was reading that South Korea wants to stop international adoptions by 2015 (22 months away) ...adoptions to South Korea take, on average 20-26 months. I'll be asking about our risk of not meeting that deadline once I'm connected with Holt's South Korea branch and fill you all in.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Another BIGGER batch of papers

I got a phone call from Holt International's Midwest Branch Director this morning. She filled me in on the next big batch of papers to come. Some of which are: background checks, letters of referral, proof of employment, check-ups with HIV and Hepatitis testing, fingerprints, 10 hrs minimum adoptive parent education, a 15 page questionnaire, and lots of other little print offs requiring signatures. Daunting but exciting! She also confirmed that we are best suited to adopt from South Korea and that we will most likely be matched with a boy... so that gives us a tiny piece of the puzzle about who our little one is. Can't wait to see a picture and learn a name!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Next Step - Homestudy

Our next step will be our homestudy. We will be assigned a social worker that will meet with us and talk about issues related to becoming adoptive parents. He/She will also asses our home and family and make recommendations based off his/her analasys. The homestudy fee is $3,000.

One piece of advice we keep getting from people on the inside of adoption is: "don't let money be the reason you don't adopt" ...and while I agree, i'm not gonna lie, it can be little hard to trust at times. We are as sure as we can be that God is calling us to adopt a child, and not because we simply want more kids (because having another biological child would be much easier), but because we have felt this pull on our heart for many years (even individually, before dating). The hard balance to strike is this: working hard and sacrificing to achieve this "act of obedience" AND allowing others to come along side and share in the blessing of "looking after the orphans (and widows) in their distress" (James 1:27). 

Jeremy and I both feel strongly that this is OUR call to adoption and no one around us should feel forced to take up the financial burden. And yet we know that realistically we can't come up with this money by saving our extra income and giving up cable, going out to eat, vacations and unnecessary  spending. We also know not everyone is able to be an adoptive parent. Some people give financially, while others pray, and still others give of their time or talents. The financial cost right now seems like an unpassable mountain but God has worked far bigger things out (when they are within His will). We hope to be an example of God's provision by being in His will. 

Even if we leave this journey without a child added to our family we know this with all our heart: God is good... all the time.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Application... check!

Last night we submitted our online application and $300 application fee! We will mail out our notarized International Adoption Service Agreement, 2010-2012 federal tax return copies, and photos of our family and home tomorrow (Monday) morning. The process has officially begun! Keep the prayers coming!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

We're Adopting!

We are excited to announce that we have made the decision to go forward with adoption for our third child!!!  We're teaming up with Holt International to accomplish our goal of providing a loving, stable, Christian home to an orphaned child.  So far, to our knowledge, we qualify for South Korea (and possibly Holt's Waiting Child Program). We are gathering our application and will keep everyone posted. Prayers for God's wisdom, guidance, and provision will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!